The past few days have been days of darkness. The sun has shone brightly; the weather has been perfect, warm in fact. The nights have been a little chilly, but not as cold as it has been. But the bright sun and the nice weather have done nothing to bust through this feeling of loneliness that has clouded my heart like a cold, damp fog. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way after so many days of feeling like things have gotten better? I still am reeling financially. That will take a while to rise above. But I am rising, that I feel. I have friends that are there for me. I haven’t heard from some in a while, so when some of the “old-school” friends contacted me in the past few weeks, I was almost shocked. Some hadn’t even heard of what is going on in my life now. Some didn’t even know of my Great and Terrible D. But each and every one of them had the same words for me; “You can call me anytime. Anything you need, I’ll be there”. Of course that felt great.
Emotionally, I am a train wreck. I have had and lost so many times. I am tired of it. Just when I think that I have found something that I can hold onto, something that will last for more than just a few weeks, something that will warm this heart of stone, fingertips just inches from that star…out the window it goes. I like my job, but I’m tired of having to go in on my day off just to live, just to have the money needed for the things I need, let alone the things I want. On Friday, I was there; feeling like the world was against me, feeling all alone all over again. I was folding some cleaning rags from the dryer and I just couldn’t hold back the emotion that had been pushing itself out all morning. I tried to hold back the waterworks, but I just couldn’t. I am a man, for crying out loud. Men aren’t supposed to show this kind of emotion. But there I was, with red and watery eyes and hoping no one would walk in and see me that way. And someone did. Luckily, it was someone who is going through her own personal hell, so to see me that way was ok…I had seen her that way too.
I spent a lot of time by myself this weekend. I had hoped to spend a part of it with somebody, someone who I have grown to like a whole lot. But I understand partly of why I couldn’t. I am not one to stand in the way of someone and their time with family, their time with friends, their time at work, and their time alone. I can’t make someone be with me, this I know. Time is everything…time is nothing. I know that time doesn’t stand still. It keeps on ticking away, pushing the future into the present, making the present become the past. I don’t want to be a part of this special person’s past. I want to be a part of her present, a part of her future…but in doing so, I will become a part of her past…weird how that turns out, huh? I am patient. I can wait as long as it takes for time to pass and more time to be created for togetherness. It can’t be only something that I want; it has to come from both sides. So, if the stars that I try to reach align themselves, if the mirror reflects the same image I am looking for, if and only what if…if that happens, I want her to know that I am right here, exactly where I was and need to be. You hear me?
Grabbing for stars. The unreachable heights that no one can attain. Reaching out for something that I can never have. Reminds me of a Nine Inch Nails song. The song is pretty soft, for a song by a band that has dark lyrics and carries the label of “industrial” music. I’ve always liked them. I haven’t listened to them much lately, but they are on my computer, and a song pops up every now and then while iTunes randomly plays whatever song is next…
Something I Can Never Have – Nine Inch Nails
i still recall the taste of your tears
echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears
my favorite dreams of you still wash ashore
scraping through my head 'till i don't want to sleep anymore
come on tell me
make this all go away
you make this all go away
i'm down to just one thing and i'm starting to scare myself
make this all go away
you make this all go away
i just want something
i just want something i can never have
you always were the one to show me how
back then i couldn't do the things that i can do now
this is slowly taking me apart
grey would be the color if i had a heart
i just want something i can never have
in this place it seems like such a shame
though it all looks different now, i know it's still the same
everywhere i look you're all i see
just a fading fucking reminder of who i used to be
come on tell me
make this all go away
you make this all go away
i'm down to just one thing and i'm starting to scare myself
make this all go away
you make this all go away
i just want something
i just want something i can never have
think i know what you meant
that night on my bed
still picking at this scab
i wish you were dead
you sweat and perry ellis
just stains on my sheets
Not all the lyrics, mind you, pertain to my mood (and oh, so not the “I wish you were dead” ones…don’t wish that on anyone) but the whole “something I can never have” speaks to me. I know all about that. Like the person in the movie whose fingers are just touching the tip of the keys to get them out of the cell they are trapped in, touching them, moving them with fingertips and pushing them further away with every attempt…that I know about.
Not all the lyrics, mind you, pertain to my mood (and oh, so not the “I wish you were dead” ones…don’t wish that on anyone) but the whole “something I can never have” speaks to me. I know all about that. Like the person in the movie whose fingers are just touching the tip of the keys to get them out of the cell they are trapped in, touching them, moving them with fingertips and pushing them further away with every attempt…that I know about.
Never will I be able to reach those stars. They are just too far away. Now, the moon, though…it’s a little closer. I wonder…I wonder if I get my step ladder…hmmm
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